We are pleased to provide you with links to various websites related to export control, regulations, and trade compliance, as well as some common trade compliance acronyms.We strive to keep these links updated, and expect to grow the library to accommodate our clients and associates.Feel free to drop us a line at if you feel that we missed an important site!
Digital Library
- The CUSMA/USMCA portal (Customs and Border protection
- The CUSMA/USMCA portal (Global Affairs Canada)
- The CUSMA/USMCA Agreement, Final Text (CBP)
- The CUSMA/USMCA Agreement, Final Text (Global Affairs Canada)
- NEW Uniform regulations under CUSMA/USMCA/T-MEC on Origin, and customs procedures
Export control and controlled goods links (US and Canada)
- Updated list of Controlled Goods under the DPA, September 7 2020
- Canada’s Export Controls
- Controlled Goods Program (CGP)
- US International Traffic in Arms Regulations (ITAR)
- US Department of Commerce Export Administration Regulations (EAR)
- US Munitions List (USML)
Export control and controlled goods links (International agreements)
Customs and free trade links (North America)
- Canadian Tariff Finder
- Canada Border Services Agency
- US Customs and Border Protection
- US rulings (public)
- 301 duties complaint to the USCIT
Customs and free trade links (Worldwide)
Selected Acronyms
AES | Automated Export System (USA) |
AG | Australia Group (Multilateral) |
AT | Anti-Terrorism (USA) |
BIS | Bureau of Industry and Security (USA) |
CBP | US Customs and Border Protection (USA) |
CBP | Customs and Border Patrol (USA) |
CBSA | Canada Border Services Agency (Canada) |
CCATS | Commodity Classification Automated Tracking System (USA) |
CCL | Commerce Control List (USA) |
CETA | Comprehensive Economic Trade Agreement (Free Trade Agreement) |
CGD | Controlled Goods Directorate (Canada) |
CGP | Controlled Goods Program (Canada) |
CJ | Commodity Jurisdiction (USA) |
CSE | Communications Security Establishment (Canada) |
CSIS | Canadian Security Intelligence Service (Canada) |
DCS | Destination Control Statement (USA) |
DDTC | Directorate of Defense Trade Controls (USA) |
DOD | US Department of Defense (USA) |
DOJ | Department of Justice (Canada and the USA) |
DPL | Denied Persons List (USA) |
DRDC | Defence Research and Development Canada (Canada) |
EAR | Export Administration Regulations (USA) |
ECCN | Export Classification Control Number (USA) |
ECL | Export Control List (Canada) |
ECR | Export Control Reform (USA) |
EIPA | Export and Import Permits Act (Canada) |
GAC | Global Affairs Canada (Canada) |
ITAR | International Traffic in Arms Regulations (USA) |
MLA | Manufacturing Licence Agreement (USA) |
MTCR | Missile Technology Control Regime (Multilateral) |
NAFTA | North American Free Trade Agreement ( (Free Trade Agreement) |
NIAG | NATO Industrial Advisory Group |
NISPOM | National Industrial Security Program Operating Manual (USA) |
NLR | No Licence Required (USA) |
NSG | Nuclear Suppliers’ Group (Multilateral ) |
OFAC | Office of Foreign Assets Control (USA) |
PSPC | Public Services and Procurement Canada (Canada) |
SDN | Specially Designated National (USA) |
SME | Significant Military Equipment (USA) |
TAA | Technical Assistance Agreement (USA) |
TPP | Trans-Pacific Partnership (Free Trade Agreement) |
TTCP | Technology Transfer Control Plan (USA) |
USMCA | US-Mexico-Canada Agreement (Free Trade Agreement) |
USML | United States Munitions List (USA) |
VD | Voluntary Disclosure (USA) |
WA | Wassenaar Arrangement (Multilateral) |